Attendance at the 50th Australia-Japan Joint Business Conference
Mr. Tanaka, President of Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials, attended at the milestone fiftieth anniversary of Australia-Japan Joint Business Conference held in Sydney, Australia from 7th to 9th October 2012.
Both Australian and Japanese business delegates attended at the conference. The members celebrated the fiftieth anniversary with Mr Mimura, Chairman of Japan side, and Sir Rod Eddington, Chairman of Australia side, and also there were extensive discussions not only on economy/trading/investment but also on environment/security. On 8th, the Honourable Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia addressed the attendees.
Mr. Tanaka participated in a panel discussion of “Competitive Smart – innovative organizations” as a panelist. He made a presentation how to establish flexible organizations sustainable in the drastic change of the world in the future from his experience of the development of base management system for Tokyo Boeki Group and overseas business development.
Australian government has been actively supporting Minami-Sanriku town, Miyagi Prefecture and Iitate Village, Fukushima Prefecture. Mr. Jin Sato, the Mayer of Minami-Sanriku town and Mr. Chohei Sato, the Chair of Iitate Village Council, were invited as gests and were introduced on the stage. The attendees expressed the respect to their attitudes toward the difficulty of devastated area under continuing hardship and wished them the early recovery. We, Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials, also will continue the support for the recovery of devastated area.