
  • 2010.10.15


    Attendance At The Ceremony To Mark Baijin Group’s 20th Anniversary

    On 20th of September, the ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of Shanghai Baijin Chemical Group Co., Ltd.(Baijin Group), who is the partner of Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials’ joint venture company Shanxi Jinchenng Coal Chemikal Development Co., Ltd., was held in Shanghai. Total 600 people was invited to the ceremony and among them, Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials President Mr. Tanaka was the only a Japanese guest who was invited.

    The lavish ceremony represents the momentum of the Baijin Group’s development over 20 years. During the ceremony, our President Mr. Tanaka promoted friendship with Chinese tycoon such as Mr. Kong Qing Ran (Chairman, Baijin Group), Mr. Li (Chairman, Wentong Group), Mr. Liu (Chairman, Jizhong Energy Handan Mig ), Mr. Cho (President, Shanxi Jindi).