JINAN LUDONG REFRACTORY CO., LTD. received letter of appreciation from JFE Steel Corporation
JINAN LUDONG REFRACTORY CO., LTD. (Chairman and General Manager : Fang Qiang, Jinan, Shandong Province, China), an equity method affiliate of Tokyo Boeki Group received a letter of appreciation from JFE Steel Corporation (President and CEO: Yoshihisa Kitano, 2-2-3 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo).
Reasons for the award
From 2020 to 2022, the company overcame various difficulties mainly resulting from Covid -19, securing refractory* raw materials, and contributed to the stable supply of magcarbon bricks. Working with the company to increase the volume of its products for Japan, we, TOKYO BOEKI MATERIALS LTD., are also very pleased with this award.
Refractory Image
*Refractories are materials used for the lining of equipment used in high-temperature industries (metallurgy, chemicals, ceramics, machinery, and glass, etc.) where materials are melted or heated to 1500°C or higher. Magcarbon bricks can withstand high temperatures of 1500°C or more as they are composed of carbon, which is a refractory material that does not easily get wet against slag, and magnesia, which has a high melting point, making them highly corrosion resistant and an essential material for steel furnaces.
Letter of Appreciation