
  • 2010.01.16


    New Year Conference of Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials Ltd (=TBSM) & Group Companies was held.

    On 16th January 2010, TBSM organized the group company’s New Year conference to discuss the business development and growth plan of “Challenge 2014” where all of the people from TBSM’s Business Development Departments/Teams, Business Administration Dept. and representatives of Japanese Domestic Branches, TB Australia, TB China, TB Beijing and TB Vietnam assembled together.

    Tokyo Boeki Ltd announced a target to achieve \1 trillion annual turnover by all the group companies within 30 years time, supporting this TBSM set its own target to achieve \500 billion turnover.
    The “Challenge 2014” will be a very important milestone for TBSM to get to the great goal and the vision of Tokyo Boeki Ltd. in 30 years time.

    TBSM is the core company of Tokyo Boeki Ltd’s group companies. Having such pride, all of us at TBSM would like to push forward with our work throughout the year.
    At the time of TBSM’s foundation, TBSM had our own Brand of Chinese Refractory and Ford business only, but last year TBSM succeeded in establishing a new Brand for our business portfolio, that was the Jincheng Coal Complex Project in Shanxi Province, China.
    In order for TBSM to succeed in this Jincheng Project, it will require that both TBSM and TB China/TB Beijing will work in close cooperation with each other and TBSM group companies will establish a structure for the project in the functions of financing and transportation.

    TBSM’s strategy of focusing on 4 markets bases in Japan, China, Australia and Vietnam is in the right direction in line with current economic trends.
    There is no doubt that Asia will be the future growth market where most of the world population is densely concentrated. We at TBSM now change the concept of Japanese domestic demand and demand external from Japan. This means that we now regard Asia as being one country and with this new concept we will tackle and develop the business. TBSM will also plan to progressively open representative offices in Calcutta, India and in Jakarta, Indonesia.
    Having confidence in what we have done at TBSM, let’s make a sound stride.