
  • 2007.05.21


    Tokyo Boeki Ltd commended on its association in the 50th anniversary of Japan-Australia Commerce Agreement

    The 50th anniversary of the Japan-Australia Commerce Agreement ceremony was sponsored by the Australian Embassy in Roppongi International House of Japan on May 21. Tokyo Boeki Ltd was presented with a commemorative gift during the ceremony to mark the occasion.
    This Presentation is for the companies which provide distinguished services to promote Japan-Australia trade and we believe that our long-term business with Australia is highly valued. Tokyo Boeki has been involved in several major trade deals between Australia and Japan commencing with the first large-scale steel trades back in 1959.
    Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials, have built upon the success of Tokyo Boeki Ltd and is now aiming to expand its business not only in China, in which we have developed nine joint venture companies, but also Australian by strengthening its connection with Tokyo Boeki (Australia) Pty Ltd (Est. 1971).