
  • 2009.06.01

    Personnel Information

    The Board Directors Appointment

    1. Official Announcement after the 3rd Annual General Meeting (to be held in June 2009) Now we have 7 branch offices in Japan to provide better service for our customers.

    New Board Directors
    Mr. Fan Hua
    (Current Role: President of Tokyo Boeki China Ltd.)

    New Auditor
    Mr. Minoru Murata
    (Current Role: Auditor of Tokyo Boeki Ltd.)

    2. Remarks:
    The Board Members’ Name, Role and Responsibility after the 2nd Annual General Shareholders Meeting.
    〔 〕means responsible role and area.

    President and CEO   Mr. Masayoshi Tanaka
    Managing Director    Mr. Tadahito Katafuchi
    〔Chief of Sales Dept. & General Manager of Materials Dept.〕
    Director          Mr. Takuji Hiramatsu
    〔President & COO, Tokyo Boeki (Australia) Pty. Ltd.〕
    Director          Mr. Hiroshi Shigezumi
    〔General Manager, Raw Materials Division〕
    Director          Mr. Fan Hua
    〔President of Tokyo Boeki (China) Ltd.〕
    Auditor           Mr. Minoru Murata