The year 2010 Business Development & Growth Planning Conference
Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials Ltd. held a Business Development & Growth Planning Conference on 26th of March 2010.
Succeeding from last year, this conference became the 2nd conference and opened with chorus of Tokyo Boeki’s 10 (Ten) Business Philosophies by all the company’s staff in line with “the Spirit of the Foundation for Tokyo Boeki Group Companies”. Thereafter Mr Tanaka, President & CEO announced “the principle of Challenge 2014, that is the company’s directions of business development and growth plan”. All the staff then once again vowed that they would steer themselves to work towards achieving that plan.
In the conference, each Divisions/Departments of the company, Tokyo Boeki Australia, Tokyo Boeki China and Tokyo Boeki Beijing individually made a presentation of their future five years business vision and their business plan for the year 2010. The conference ended on a worthwhile and fruitful note with all participants shared information and learnt from the issues/troubles that occurred in 2009 all parties were assured of a clearer direction for implementation of specific and effective measures resolving the future issues ahead of achieving the target of “Challenge 2014”.
In the conference this year, the company introduced the Web Conference System to allow third parties to join the conference in real time. Most of the staff of the group companies’ branches within Japan and the companies’ subsidiaries/group companies in overseas, such as Australia, Shanghai, Beijing, Vietnam used this system and participated the conference this time.