
  • 2008.04.17


    With the aim to build the Corporate Brand -New Systems of Human Resource Development & Building the Strategy-

    Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials Ltd is promoting the business to build the corporate brand and lay the foundations for the next 100 years. As part of this promotion, we are aiming to strengthen the structure of the company with the introduction of new systems and setting up a new organizational structure in April this year.

     system  organization
     ○ Overseas Trainee Program  ○ Vietnam Business Promotion Team
     ○ Chief Staff Assignment  ○ Market Strategy Staff

    Overseas Trainee Program The Overseas Trainee Program sets a basic policy to “Promote the internationalization for the long term” and aims to develop human resources who can promote the business development in the global market. As a concrete move, we set up “Overseas Trainee Program” for the junior staff. It is expected that the overseas business experience in youth will broaden our international perspective and lead to development of true global human resources. The first trainee was resided in Hanoi in May.

    Market Strategy Staff It is necessary to identify the market strategy in advance by five to ten years due to the rapidly changing global economy and increasing uncertainty associated with business these days.
    Therefore, we set up “Market Strategy Staff” to collect and analyze market information, as a strategy to advance and respond accurately and identify changing market trends from day to day.
    Under the direct control of President & CEO, Mr. Tanaka, we assigned two staff members who are representative of Steel related and Resource and Raw Materials related markets to work on these strategies.