
  • 2011.11.18

    News Release

    Establishment of Kolkata office, India

    We have pleasure in informing of the opening of our representative office in Kolkata, India on the 1st November. This step will be a cornerstone in our growth strategy of Raw Materials, Steel Export, Materials and Building materials business in emerging Indian market. We hope our success in India will contribute to the prosperity of both India and Japan.

    [India-Kolkata Office]
    Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials Ltd.
    Kolkata Representative Office.
    Level 6, 11 U.N. Brahmachari Rd,
    Kolkata, West Bengal 700 017, India

    [India-Kolkata Office]
    Tokyo Boeki Steel & Materials Ltd.
    Kolkata Representative Office.
    Level 6, 11 U.N. Brahmachari Rd,
    Kolkata, West Bengal 700 017, India
    Chief Representative:Hiro Sugawara