
  • 2007.06.19


    China-Japan environmental forum held on Sumida River.

    (Collaboration signing ceremony)

    On June 19, along with a business delegation of local government officers from Licheng district of Jinan city in China, we held the China-Japan environmental forum on the Sumida river with support from the Chinese Embassy in Japan and the Japan-China Economic Association.
    This was the second visit of the local business delegation of Licheng district.
    The relationship between Licheng district in Jinan city and Tokyo Boeki Ltd. was established when Jinan Ludong Refractory Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995 followed by the investment of JFE Refractories Corporation in Jinan Ludong Refractory Co., Ltd. in 2003, which strengthened the relation with JFE group. In the forum we concluded a framework agreement with Licheng district that ensured both parties would commit to business expansion. Tokyo Boeki will further promote Chinese businesses in the future.